Second End Wall Siding Complete

October 19, 2017

The roof panels are now all up. But there’s a problem.

Though the panels are not screwed down, they are very difficult to remove without damaging them. This made moving the panels up not an option.

Unfortunately the roofing panels were installed further down toward the eaves, making the ridge cap not cover the remaining gap. We’re working on a solution to extend the ridge cap.

The corner trim is screwed into the siding panels on each side of the corners.

Adam helped me put some of the corner trim on. Once it was up, I was glad I had it match the siding and not the trim.

The doors have special trim pieces that prevent water from getting in. I used polyurethane caulking to seal up all the joints in these areas.

The shorter panels above the door were so much easier to manage, it offset the additional time for trimming it short.

It was very difficult to not rush through these last few panels. The end was in sight.

With just a few panels to go, we finally ran out of siding screws. These screws were special because they are painted to match the siding.

Getting the last panel one was incredibly satisfying.

Thankfully we were able to go around the building with flashlights and collect enough screws off the ground that were still usable to finish the job.