
September 22, 2022

I’ve been painting lately, and it feels great to be starting in on final finishes.

We rolled the ceiling which left some streaks that are visible at certain angles and certain lighting conditions. However, rolling another coat to fix it feels more likely to make it worse.

Ryan helped me paint the entry, closet, machine room and lobby ceilings.

Will’s attention to detail was greatly valued as painting is 90% prep.

Will came by the next day and helped me paint the entry, closet, machine room and lobby walls.

I caulked in the low voltage box, and will be foaming in the high voltage box next.

I still need to put another coat on the entry, closet and machine room – this is where I started and ended up making the most mistakes.

The scaffolding has about 1/4″ of wiggle room, which I used up with soft cloths to avoid damaging the wall where it touches.

By the time I got to the walls in the lobby, I had the system down solid.