Recessed Lighting

July 29, 2021

Today I installed the recessed lights in the machine room, closet, vestibule and lobby.

Some minor modification to the soffit was required to get the light to fit.

In the machine room, I placed on in the soffit, which was a very tight fit, but will be very useful for illuminating the power panel.

This side was much more open.

The other light in the machine room is on the other side, which should provide light where I’ll likely be storing things.

The distribution takes into account the splayed walls to place them approximately in the center of an asymmetrical area.

Each light had to be measured, placed and adjusted to achieve even distribution.

The recessed lights are only providing ambient light, task and accent light will be provided by track lights.

The lobby has 8 recessed lights, 4 near the north wall, which will wash it with light.